Mar 22, 2012


I held a Promo  for prom/ball season and here is a compilation of my lovely clients! :)

with the Miriam girls!
From left: Jessie, Tricia, Me, and Cha :)

Cha and Tricia in their dresses. Pretty girls :)
[photo from Tricia's Blog]

next up, AC girls Luisa and Alyssa :) 
[please don't mind my hagard face HAHA]

Luisa won PROM QUEEN! YAY :D 

 Next is Geanne and Nadine. They're from AC too :)

with ICAn ladies Ysabel and Sam :)

I just want to give a BIG Thank you to all my clients who availed of my
It was really such a great experience meeting all of you girls.
Hope your prom/ball was a night to remember! :)

Till next prom season! ;)

Stay gorgeous x

Mar 14, 2012

The Z Experience

Last Saturday, I was invited to do makeup for ZALORA'S Style Buy Challenge at the Z Loft which is located along Jupiter Street, Makati.

So what is ZALORA??

For all you shopaholics who love shopping online, ZALORA is the webshop for you!
It's so convenient and FAST! If you live within the metro, your orders will be delivered to you within 3 HOURS! Yes, T-H-R-E-E hours. PLUS, they have the Cash-On-Delivery option. Meaning, you pay for your order right when it is delivered to your door step. It cant get anymore convenient than this!
Need I say more? ;)

Check out ZALORA over at

I got realy giddy when I saw my name on the screen :D haha

So, during the STYLE BUY Challenge, we were tasked to check out the site and pick items that we wanted. With the wide variety of clothes, shoes, accessories, was so hard to narrow down the things I wanted! I was going cray :)) 

Once we finished ordering through the website, our goodies were delivered to us. Zalora has all their items on hand so it didn't take long for the packages to arrive. It was like christmas, I tell ya! 

I have this really bad habit of forgetting about my camera so I wasnt able to take much photos :( 
But here are the items that I got:

Flats: Fancy Flats, Top: Style Hub, Metal Collar Necklace: Virus

It was a really fun and unique experience :) 

Like them on FACEBOOK
And Follow them on TWITTER

Stay Gorgeous x

Mar 12, 2012

The Second Shop 27th Collection Shoot

It's always a pleasure working with Lexi ( and Jason of the Second Shop:)

Here are pictures from the last shoot we did for their 27th collection:



Lovely ladies! :)

If you haven't seen their latest collection, drop by 

Stay gorgeous x